Cultivate Shakti with Sensual Yoga Leadership Training

Cultivate Shakti with Sensual Yoga Leadership Training

When a group of powerful like-minded women from different walks come together, the room vibrates with energy. This is Shakti. According to yogic philosophy, Shakti is the energy of the feminine force; she is pure embodiment and the dance of life. Embrace Shakti and...

Perfectly Me

One of the things I dread​ed​ most abou​t taking the Forrest Yoga Advanced Teacher Training (FYATT)​ wa​s teaching a sequence that I was not in control of in front of Ana and my colleagues.  Key word here: CONTROL.  When my turn came, I was sweating buckets and my...

Teacher Training – Training for Life

I am about to leave for Advanced Teacher Training with my amazing teacher Ana Forrest. I have been teaching for over twelve years now, completed three different trainings and hundreds of hours of Continuing Ed., but I am still scared! I know this training will be...

Warrior cut leggings, desert backdrop #kiragraceyoga

Looking Good, Mama!

Just a few weeks ago I went to a rock concert with some of my favorite girlfriends…mind you I am a decade older than the youngest of these women.  We all got carded, and the bouncer checking my ID stared at it for what felt to me like an eternity.  I started to...