The Extraordinary Yoga Teacher:
a 3-month intensive
Jan 13/14, Feb 17/18, Mar 10/11
1 – 7pm
at Innerstellar Yoga, Berkeley
$547 Early Bird until Dec 20.
$610 Regular
1. sun salutations, check

Three Master Classes with Michelle
Get fresh inspiration for your practice and teaching. Content includes Working with Injuries, Deeper Backbends, and Arm Balances/Inversions. Saturdays January 13, February 17 and March 10.
Resonant Class Planning & Sequencing
Study the art and science of sequencing asanas and crafting entire classes. Learn to include variations for different levels of students as well as modifications for injuries. Hone your skill at working with different intentions and thrilling apex poses that help your students grow and deepen internally as well as physically.
The Art of Seeing Alignment & Working With Energy
Learn to observe, appreciate, and feel what is happening with different students in each asana so you can truly See your students and address their individual needs.
Making Skillful Assists – connecting verbally and through your hands
Develop your skillfulness in working individually with your students and giving appropriate verbal cues and hands-on assists, and using props so you can support your students in more meaningful ways in your mixed level classes.
Practice Teaching
Each practice teaching session includes extensive and supportive feedback as well as discussion of teaching techniques and methods. Learn to feed your soul through authentic teaching presence and honest care of your students.
Prerequisites: Completion of a 200HR teacher training, open to teachers of all asana styles and lineages
Continuing Education Credits: This Teacher’s Intensive will provide you with 35 hours of continuing ed. credits with Yoga Alliance, fulfilling the requirement of 30-hours per three years to sustain your credential.
These intensive weekends will be filled with my best stuff, I’m so excited to bring it to you!